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서울시 세종문화회관 공연 및 전시 정보 목록

번호 이미지 제목 구분
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명지전문대 고리사진부 교회전시회
2013-01-09 ~ 2013-01-15   오전10시 ~ 오후9시 (일, 오후 7시까지, 전시 마지막 날 오후 1시까지)
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Sejong Center New Year's Concert `Full of Energy`
2013-01-09 ~ 2013-01-09   at 7:30pm
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Baek Hye-kyung`s Homecoming Piano Recital
2013-01-08 ~ 2013-01-08   January 8 (Tuesday), 2013 at 7:30pm
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한글 그림 - 글꼴 이야기 `아리랑`
2013-01-08 ~ 2013-02-03   2013.1.8(화) ~ 2.3(일) 오전10시30분 ~ 오후10시30분 (오후10시 입장 마감) 매주 월요일 휴관
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백경혜 귀국 피아노 독주회
2013-01-08 ~ 2013-01-08   오후 7시 30분 관람시간:100분 (인터미션 : 15분)
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Hangeul Painting - Font Story 'Arirang'
2013-01-08 ~ 2013-02-03   January 8 (Tuesday), 2013 ~ February 3 (Sunday), 2013 Venue: The Story of King Sejong Exhibition Hall
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This Music in This Time _ Music Concert with Explanation for Youth 2013
2013-01-06 ~ 2013-01-06   January 6 (Sunday), 2013 at 5:00pm
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이럴때 이런음악_2013 해설이 있는 청소년을 위한 음악회
2013-01-06 ~ 2013-01-06   오후 5시 관람시간:100분 (인터미션 : 15분)
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Teddy Bear Theater `Swan Lake`
2013-01-05 ~ 2013-02-03   Weekdays at 2:00pm, Saturday at 11:00am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm, Sunday at 11:00am, 2:00pm (No performance on Monday) January 5(Saturday) at 2:00pm, 5:00pm two times, Wednesday Matinee at 11:00am
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테디베어씨어터〈백조의 호수〉
2013-01-05 ~ 2013-02-03   평일 14시 토요일 11시,14시,17시 일요일 11시,14시(월요일 공연없음) 단,1월5일 토요일 14시,17시 2회공연 수요일 마티네 11시 1월26일,27일 11시 공연없음
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김미성, 신지연 듀오 연주회
2013-01-05 ~ 2013-01-05   오후 7시 30분 관람시간:80분 (인터미션 : 10분)
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Kim Mi-sung & Shin Ji-yeon Duo Concert
2013-01-05 ~ 2013-01-05   January 5 (Saturday), 2013 at 7:30pm
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Korean Traditional Culture Experience `MiSuDa` Hanbok Experience
2013-01-04 ~ 2013-12-31   January 4 (Friday), 2013 ~ December 31 (Tuesday), 2013 (No performance of MiSuDa and Hanbok experience owing to a regular checkup for the summer season during July 29 to August 11) At 10:00am~11:30am / 1:00pm~5:30pm
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4th Lachesis
2013-01-02 ~ 2013-01-08   January 2 (Wednesday), 2013 ~ January 8 (Tuesday), 2013 at 10:00am ~ 9:00pm (Sunday, until 7:00pm, the last day of exhibition until 1:00pm)
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4th Lachesis
2013-01-02 ~ 2013-01-08   오전10시 ~ 오후9시 (일, 오후 7시까지, 전시 마지막 날 오후 1시까지)
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